Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why am I blogging about learning to cook?

Believe it or not there was once a time (many moons ago) when I did not know how to make a can of soup...
I kid you not I did not realize, even though instructions were clearly on the can, that you had to add water to the soup. Let's just say that I did not feel the need to read the label, hence the most coagulated chicken soup was made. Yuck.

As the years have gone by I have learned to make the standard box of Kraft dinner or Ichiban but about 8 months ago I made a soup from scratch. I surprised myself by not only really enjoying the cooking process, which was a wierd feeling, but the soup tasted so good I could not even believe it.

I have always been a fan of Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay and as I was watching the show last season I decided that I was gonna learn how to make those yummy looking dishes. I began to research and watch not only old "Hell's Kitchens" but "Kitchen Nightmares" and the "F Word". I was inspired by how much passion Gordon puts into his food and it is fairly obvious you do not want to cook for him if you don't know what the hell you are doing.

I purchased a copy of "Gordon Ramsay Makes It Easy", the very first cookbook I had ever puchased in my 33 years, and thought I would try out a few things. Now the absolutely amazing man in my life said I should blog about my cooking adventures. I have to say I was not to sure about this idea and hence why I am doing it now after 4 or 5 months.

I know there will be people out there who will make the comparison with the Julie/Julia project. Go ahead.

My idea for this blog is not to create a defined timeline using only one book, I now have 4 Gordon Ramsay books. I would like to do this to share that even a girl who could not make a can of soup can shell a scallop and make an amazing risotto and maybe inspire those of you out there who can't make a can of soup.

So as I make each recipe I will post what was good and bad and maybe even funny about the process of learning to cook using only Gordon Ramsay books as my guides.

Happy Reading!


  1. Can't wait for the next installment. Anymore cooking mishaps...

  2. There was once a time when I could not figure out why a pot of water just simply dissapeared...
    I boiled it away...
    The joke in my family is that I was such a bad cook that I could not even boil water.

  3. Oh oh oh tell about the Peking Duck in the shower!!!!!
